Launching Custom Conversion Events - Product Update | July 2024

Launching Custom Conversion Events - Product Update | July 2024

Today we’re launching support for custom conversion events 🧾

This addresses one of the biggest challenges in the LLM ecosystem - proving ROI 📈 users can now log custom conversion events with their LLM conversation transcripts, indicating where users completed an action: a purchase, a link click, or even a negative event like an unsubscribe

We analyze conversion rates, identifying subgroups of conversations and users where conversion rates are relatively stronger or weaker

You can then use to investigate what is driving areas of weaker performance, address those issues, and measure the impact of your improvement

This allows you to prove the ROI of your product, as well as the ROI of improvements you make to it over time. It also allows you to see the ROI of in clear dollar terms, in a way that has not previously been possible

Improved Clustering

Message clustering is now significantly improved and is powered by a new model. This means you’ll get better suggested categories for your conversations in addition to the taxonomy of categories you define.

Category Match Previews

We now show previews for matches when creating categories. This lets you preview the category you’ve created and understand which messages it will match so you can tweak it to ensure you get the desired behavior.

Welcome Matt!

We’re expanding! This month we’re excited to welcome Matt Salisbury to the team as a founding member of our GTM team. Reach out to him to learn

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