Category Creation Improvements - Product Update | September 2024

Category Creation Improvements - Product Update | September 2024

What’s been cooking at 👨‍🍳

Check out everything we’ve shipped in our latest product demo video 🎥

This month we’ve been focused on category creation, product latency, transcript filtering, custom graphs, and category backfills

Read the product update to learn more!

Category creation flow improvement

Category creation is at the core of the product and getting it right is crucial. We now have much more powerful category definition tools, including random preview sampling, and filtering of preview results. This makes it easier for you to define categories as intended.

Filtering on message-level metadata and conversion events

It is now possible to filter transcripts by message-level metadata and conversion events. This lets you see only the transcripts that have any message level metadata characteristics, or that do (or don’t) contain conversion events.

Latency improvements

The application is now significantly faster after a sprint on product latency. You should notice this throughout the product, and particularly on the transcript pages. 

Topic backfill status indicators 

We now show a status indicator when backfilling updated topics. This lets you know if the backfill is complete and the matches are all using your new topic definition, or if there is still a backfill in progress. 

Workspace improvements

The workspace allows you to create custom graphs of your data in This month we’ve added the ability to compare against a previous period, and to filter on role and language.

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